Stock Portfolio
and Investments Tracker

Track Your Investments In One Place, Easily.

Manage Your Finances Like a Pro for FREE
  • Take control of your financial future with our user-friendly investment tracker
  • Track dividends, splits and monitor investments effortlessly
  • Experience the best-in-class software today for free!

Supported Institutions

We support 10,000+ brokerages and banks.
Analysis Tools
Optimize Your Portfolio with Powerful Tools
Enhance your investment strategy with our portfolio tracking software. Access statistics, financial calendars and explore various investment styles shared by other traders.
Investments Tracking
Stay Ahead with more data
Make informed decisions using our real-time stock portfolio tracking. Monitor market trends, stock tickers, and investment performance seamlessly.
Share Portfolio
Easily share your portfolio
Share your stock portfolio with anyone, publicly or privately (for example friends, colleagues, family, or even your portfolioant).

We Make Things Better

No need for spreadsheets, manual calculations and online searches for data.
We take care of it all.
Supported Institutions
Happy Traders
Marketlog is developed by Myfxbook, the leading portfolio analysis for forex traders
for over the past decade.

Let us do the hard work

With just a few clicks, youll see so much information about your investments that youll thank us later. Youre welcome.
Dividends (coming soon)
See past and future dividends
See historic and upcoming splits
Understand your portfolio diversification
Track your progress and goals
Know exactly where you stand
Analyze your returns in different periods
Automatically calculate allocation targets
Benchmark (coming soon)
Compare yourself against the rest
Immediately see your strong and weak points

What Our Clients Say

Don't take our word for it. See what our users have to say about marketlog.
I'm impressed. Worth every penny.
This is exactly what I was looking for. I've threw away my excel spreadsheet and only use marketlog. It is simply a game changer.
Damien Crude
Novice Trader
No more using the broker's report.
Up until now I've been using my broker's report which is very basic and doesn't give much info. Connecting my account to marketlog revealed so much info and saved me countless hours.
Jay Plint
Professional Trader
Shut up and take my money.
Great great great. I'm looking forward to see more and more features added as I'm sure there are endless possibilities.
Steven Hoang
Experienced Trader
Start tracking your trading portfolio with Marketlog for free!
Join all of the happy traders that are already enjoying the best portfolio tracker, risk free.
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